creative industries

Need to create some new creative direction as a creative?

Need to create some new creative direction as a creative?

Calling all artists, creatives, writers, educators and makers!

  • Are you struggling to bring in the money & partnerships you need to succeed in your field?

  • Do you need help manifesting your creative goals & visions?

Look no further! I am excited to announce that I will be offering

Creative Direction Coaching packages starting this April 2023!

This 4-week online package is designed specifically to support

creatives with their money & partnership goals.

What are good open, creative questions to ask when networking?

What are good open, creative questions to ask when networking?

Having the confidence to network, whilst being authentic and staying connected can seem a bit daunting…

So what could be some good questions to have up your sleeve when you go to face to face or online creative networking events?