Coaching Skills Workshops for SMEs via Echo

Open To Create… has been a member of the Echo community since 2014. In 2015 we worked with Echo’s Operations Manager to plan a series of half-day, coaching-based communication workshops, suitable to run in community spaces and business start-up hubs, such as Oxford House in Bethnal Green, Tower Hamlets.

The workshops were designed to engage new and existing members who were facing challenges around negotiating new contracts, bringing on and managing new team members and maintaining the day to day motivation to make cold calls in their businesses.

Members who attended included artists, graphic designers, coaches, youth workers, bloggers, SME start-up founders and Echo team members.

We used the GROW model of coaching, The Wheel of Life, Emotional Intelligence and the Ethics of Coaching to form the basis of the programmes. The sessions included one to one, pair and group work. 

We actively designed the course to take into account the key challenges faced by the participants based on a ‘pop share’ at the start of the session. 


Feedback included: 

“It showed me I have the ability now to share something with someone else without 'telling' them how to do it. Anna's coaching nature helped me to learn this.” 

“By analysing myself and what I need I realise all aspects of life determine my professional life, especially my health.”

“I was able to reflect on my current position and what I really want in my life. It was a good combination of tools and discussion. Anna held the space well & is easy to talk to.”

Key Facts: 

Client: Echo brings together people and organisations across and beyond East London, UK, including businesses, charities, councils and leisure centres – to create a community-wide economy of hours, where the more you put in the more you get back - The Sharing Economy at its best. Echo helps organisations to unlock dormant resources to trade, ensuring a wealth of skills and services are offered to meet Echo members’ diverse needs. One hour = One Echo, in a similar model to time banking.

Venue: Oxford House, London, UK

When: July 2015 to date